Friday, November 22, 2013

Eat and habits

Today's topic is about food and eat habits. I'll try to answer some questions like: ¿Am I a vegetarian?, ¿Do I like fast food? and more.
 The first think I have to tell you is that I love food. When is well cocked, it can be amazing. However, it's a fact there's a lot of  food that I dislike. I don't regulary eat fried food, because oily stuff  it's not my favourite texture, and it's not healthy at all. That principle applies to sweet or salad recepies.  Sometimes I eat homemade french fries or sopaipillas, but it happens like...two times in a year. I'm more into grilled food.
I'm a big fan of veggies, even though I'm not a vegetarian  (I love fish! If I could, I would like to be a big bear hunting salmon in lakes.) Salads are awesome! Mixed veggies prepared with love and not too condimented are my favourite meal. I feel nice when I eat salads for lunch. But,  I don't like all veggies...for example, I hate peas. I HATE PEAS.  I can't tolerate peas in my meals.
During all my childhood, I also hated beetroots. I don't know why. This year they started to taste so good. This makes me  so confused: did I grow up? or they alwayss  tasted fine and I was blind? or tasteless? what's the problem with my tonge?
Beetroot is a very healthy vegetable
My favourite vegetable all times is Zucchini. My philosophy of eating beggins with: you can add zucchini to everything, and it will be just amazing. Grilled, baked, sauted, stewed, ALL PREPARATIONS.
I don't eat fast food in restaurants. Pizza is not fast food. If you eat  in Telepizza or pizzahut, you may consider it like fast food. But I like to prepare my own pizzas at home. When you prepare a good dough, and your ingredients are vegs and not only meat, it becomes a gourmet meal. The only problem with pizza it's the cheese. But cheese is never a problem, If you don't abuse of it. You can calmly eat pizza if cheese isn't a regulary diary on your diet.
I consider as a fast food things like hot-dogs, hamburguers, french fries, etc. I don't buy them, anywhere. I only eat hot dogs when my family does. But my dream is get to eat a krabby Patty's from
Krusty krabs restaurant. The big problem is that I live on the surface of earth and I'm not a sea cartoon, or Sandy the squirrel. And no one can now the secret formula.
My eating habits are normal. I always take my breakfast at home. This meal consist in toasted loans of integral bread, with fresh cheese and avocado, tomatoes, or dills with lettuce. I prefer fresh stuff for breakfast. I eat my amazing morning sandwich with black tea, or milk. This happens at 8.30 am.
I try to eat fruits or healty snacks during the meals, at 10.30 am and 17.00 pm. My lunch consist in a meal that considers proteins, veggies, and carbs. I eat it  when the morning classes are over, even if it's too early (like, 12.30, 13.00pm). Last week, I invented other snack, called midnight tacos. I prepare those tacos exactly at midnight, when I'm studying and I now I won't finish early. Midnight tacos are a slice of tortilla with lettuce, tomatoes, etc. They are really yummy!


  1. I enjoy greatly reading your blog, with all the funny pictures... it's hilarious. See you next week!

  2. You areee a big bear!!! ewjhgdfgdfhkjdhkdjghlkhg

    Your photos are the best!!!


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